Ways to deal with creaks in your bike // MTB shoes on the road – comfort or noise?

2023-02-26, 08:30


Ways to deal with creaks in your bike // MTB shoes on the road – comfort or noise?

2023-02-26, 08:30


Hi there!

Today I just wanted to say a big thank you – to all of you who provided me with such a large and, as it turned out, very effective help in taming the creaks in my new-old Lazurower bike.

The issue of worrying creaks coming from the vicinity of the bottom bracket, suggested by some of you, was well diagnosed by you – it turned out to be caused by the connection of the seat post and the frame, which needed to be lubricated with carbon paste more thoroughly than before and tightened a little more.

It’s an amazing feeling to ride on a quiet bike again! Thanks a hundred times!

While looking for the sources of noise, I tried riding with MTB shoes and pedals and I’m delighted with the comfort of this combination. The comfortable shoe is perfect for the romantic cycling that I practice, where in addition to the ride itself, I walk a lot in the many beautiful cities, towns, or natural attractions that I visit.

It looks like in 2023 I will further simplify my approach to the road, thereby increasing the pure joy of cycling tourism. Let me know what you think about this kind of approach. Practical pleasure or just a flop?

Thank you for the beautiful repainting of my Kross to https://www.instagram.com/artgrafix/

For the proper service – the shop www.Roadbike.pl from Warsaw

And for the clothes – a set of a sweatshirt and a cap from the Leaves collection – a Polish clothing brand AM Cycling – www.am-cycling.com

Thanks for your attention, see you in the next episodes.


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Ways to deal with creaks in your bike // MTB shoes on the road – comfort or noise?


Hi there! Today I just wanted to say a big thank you - to all of you who provided me with such a large and, as it turned out, very effective help in taming the creaks in my new-old Lazurower bike. The issue of worrying creaks coming from the vicinity of the bottom bracket, s [...]

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