Top Cycling Route of the French Riviera: Gorges du Cians!

2023-03-28, 17:34


Top Cycling Route of the French Riviera: Gorges du Cians!

2023-03-28, 17:34



The Maritime Alps are once again accessible! The calendar spring has brought truly pleasant cycling temperatures to the French Riviera, allowing for short trips to higher mountain areas!

Maja and Piotr took advantage of this and I took them on one of the most beautiful routes of the French Riviera! During a beautiful, sunny day, we covered almost 130km and 2600m of elevation gain, we saw beautiful rock formations, wonderful waterfalls, and truly wild nature, but we didn’t see… any cyclists! How did it happen and what else happened on this exceptional trip? You’ll find the answer in the extensive report from this unforgettable event for all three of us!

Detailed record on my Strava:

Enjoy watching, see you soon!

Best regards, Krzysiek.

Elapsed Time Moving Time Distance Average Speed Max Speed Elevation Gain Calories Burned

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